Thursday, April 16, 2009

Defining Civil and Political Rights : The jurisprudence of the United Nations Human Rights Committee by Alex Conte and Richard Burchill, Ashgate 2009.

This work is an extremely useful text for those that may practice or educate in the human rights domain and more specifically those that deal regularly with instruments such as the ICCPR, it’s obligations, and those that administer it on an international level and domestic state level(those that have ratified this instrument have been included in one of the appendices in the book).
The book’s main focus is international and deals particularly well with with the Human Rights Committee’s jurisprudence and their issuing of non-binding yet highly influential decisions that help direct the large number of member states ratifying the optional protocol. Coupled with the authors exhaustive analysis this is a text that helps us all in the comprehension of international obligation under the ICCPR in an easy and highly accessible way. A must own guide for any serious human rights advocate.

US link
Defining Civil and Political Rights: The Jurisprudence of the United Nations Human Rights Committee

UK/EU link
Defining Civil and Political Rights: The Jurisprudence of the United Nations Human Rights Committee


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